"My choice of the C and A program was based on my belief that I'm not going to be a complete psychiatrist without understanding the human development, starting from the beginnings, the interaction of the human being with the family, environment, the influence of school and its social milieu on psychosocial development of the future adult, as well as the initial biopsychosocial contributors of the psychiatric pathology. Why IOL? Because during the general psychiatry program, Lisa Namerow presented a documentary with and about Eric Erikson, and I felt somehow "touching" the founders of the field of psychiatry, you know being closer to Mount Olympus."
"Nowadays, I am working at St. Joseph's Hospital, in Syracuse, New York, in an outpatient clinic, as a child psychiatrist... I think the training at IOL made me feel confident in my therapeutic decisions, and in my ability to defend them."
"Strength of the programs? Hmmm...yes I still love you Dr. Black! And you know why? Because, you've been the first to put the scalpel in my hand (surgical comparison of course), you made me understand my mission as a psychiatrist, made me look for the core of what the patient is about, and in what way I could help her/him."
"Thank you all for helping me to be able to practice child and adolescent psychiatry with competence! I am proud that I am an IOL graduate!"