We provide all the tools you need to improve the level of care you offer patients.

Here you’ll find online resources, further information about our partnerships outside of Hartford HealthCare, and our internal governance and regulations.

Continuing Medical Education

The mission of Hartford Hospital’s continuing medical education program is to meet the needs of its medical staff that are related to maintaining competence and improving performance and patient outcomes.


Providing our patients with unrivaled care is our top priority at Hartford HealthCare. All of our physicians have gone through rigorous testing of qualification to make certain each employee upholds our mission.

C. Charles Burlingame Award

At The Institute of Living we focus our efforts ever more intently on the value which research and education bring to our system of care, The Institute acknowledges its debt to the vision and dedication of Dr. Burlingame. The Burlingame Award was established in 1988 and has been presented annually since in recognition of outstanding leadership and lifetime achievement in psychiatric research and education.

Professional Liability Insurance

We offer excellent worldwide protection with a choice of limits to suit individual needs.

Referrals & Transfers

Fast, Expert Transport & Care.

Residencies & Fellowships

Commitment to research and education is inseparable from the hospital's role in patient care.