Title: Research Assistant I
Lab: (CND Lab) Clinical Neuroscience & Development Lab
Contact: Zahara.Shidad-Stewart@hhchealth.org
Zahara earned her B.A. in Psychology and Asian Studies from Clark University and a M.S. in clinical research methods from Fordham University. Her research interests focus on clinical psychology and mental health outcomes, particularly among marginalized communities and young adult/adolescent populations. She has experience working in children's autism centers, private practices, hospitals, and university research labs. At the Olin Center, she contributes to an interventional study investigating executive working memory in adolescents with ADHD and a pilot rTMS study exploring the reward circuitry of adults with ADHD. She plans to pursue a Ph.D. in clinical psychology to continue her work in contributing to culturally informed research and aiming to address gaps in literature among marginalized communities and young adult/adolescent populations.