Cannabis and Memory Study

This study seeks to understand the relationship between memory and Cannabis use.

Cannabis is one of the most widely used substances, but the effects of use on brain function are poorly understood. Our neuroscientists measure brain function by using safe, state-of-the-art neuroimaging technology to measure brain structure, as well as brain activity during a memory test.

Researchers on this team:

  • Godfrey Pearlson, MD

  • Michael Stevens, PhD

Who can participate?

Individuals that are 18-75 years old may be eligible to participate.

How Often Do I Come in to Participate?

Subjects are seen three times. Each visit lasts approximately 6-8 hours.
Because of the use of MRI, anyone who has a permanent metal object (such as braces, pacemaker, artificial joint) on or inside his or her body cannot participate.

What do I get out of this?

Participants are compensated $20 per hour when completing study procedures. You may also request a CD copy of your MRI if desired.

How do I get involved?

If interested, please complete an online screening form (following the link below) to determine your eligibility for the study. All responses to this screening form are kept confidential and will only be reviewed by the research staff.

Who can I contact with questions about the study?

If you have any questions about the study, or would prefer to complete the screening questions over the phone, please contact Nina Fernandez at 203-974-2063 or at