
Peers in Advocacy and Community Engagement (PACE)

The Institute of Living’s Family Resource Center has recently started a group for young adults called, Peers in Advocacy and Community Engagement (PACE) The group is open to those ages 15-25 with or without lived experience. It is a great opportunity for those who want to investigate and advocate for particular issues where community needs are identified. The group aims to increase engagement among young adults, ensuring a healthier, more supportive community overall. Join us in making a tangible difference in Hartford and beyond.

For more information, including meeting times and dates or to be added to our email list, please contact us at

Patient and Families Advisory Council (PFAC)

The IOL’s Patient Family Advisory Council (PFAC) was established in 2015 by the FRC and hospital leadership. The primary goal of the council is to serve as a forum to promote excellent patient and family-centered care across the IOL’s program, driven by the invaluable insight of those with lived experience.

If you are a past client or a family member of a past client and would like to apply, you can access the application.

Family Resource Center

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