The Geriatric Outpatient Practice
The Geriatric Outpatient Practice provides assessment, consultation, and various types of ongoing treatment for older adults. Most often, patients are seen individually by the senior psychiatrist or an advanced practice registered nurse at weekly, monthly or longer intervals, depending on individual need. Specialty consultations, second opinions, home visits, and services to assisted living or nursing homes are also offered.
Information and Referrals
Denielle McCarthy, APRN
Program Manager of Geriatric Psychiatry
The Institute of Living Assessment Center
860.545.7200 or
Toll free at 1.800.673.2411
The Older Adults Intensive Outpatient Program
The Older Adults Intensive Outpatient Program serves older adults who are experiencing a psychiatric illness. The goal of the program is to help people recover and learn ways to stay well. The program runs from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Patients attend all three days per week. In the course of a day, patients attend various types of psychotherapy groups that are effective in treating emotional and psychological problems. Patients may also have individual meetings with clinical staff, including the program psychiatrist.
Information and Referrals
Denielle McCarthy, APRN
Program Manager of Geriatric Psychiatry
The Institute of Living Assessment Center
860.545.7200 or
Toll free at 1.800.673.2411