Clinical Research Trials
Please note that the May 2015 issue of "Suicide (Prevention) Notes" was the final issue.
This newsletter was published monthly and discussed suicide-related articles that appeared in published journals/articles. The publication was in keeping with The Institute of Living’s Suicide Prevention Initiative, a major programmatic focus on suicide assessment and prevention that combines new research initiatives, clinical programming and advocacy efforts. This focus is in keeping with our growing concern about the increasing global threat which suicide presents.
May 2015 Shame as a Prospective Predictor of Self-inflicted Injury in Borderline Personality Disorder: A Multi-modal Analysis Oct. 2014 Effects of Suicide Bereavement on Mental Health and Suicide Risk Jul. 2014 Differential change in specific depressive symptoms during antidepressant medication or cognitive therapy Jun. 2014 Treatment-Resistant Depression and Risk of Suicide Jun. 2014 What Depression Does to Our Minds When It Attacks May 2014 What Do We Know About Suicidality in Autism Spectrum Disorders? A Systematic Review May 2014 Protecting Adolescents From Self-Harm: A Critical Review of Intervention Studies Apr. 2014 A Review of Suicidiality in Persons with Intellectual Disability Mar. 2014 Effectiveness of brief intervention and contact for suicide attempters: a randomized controlled trial in five countries Jan. 2014 Chronic Pain and the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide Dec. 2013 Suicidal Risk Factors in Bipolar I and II Disorder Patients Nov. 2013 Last Call Oct. 2013 Clinical assessment and crisis intervention for the suicidal bipolar disorder patient Sep. 2013 Chronic Physical Conditions and Their Association with First Onset of Suicidal Behavior in the World Mental Health Surveys Aug. 2013 Decreased Risk of Suicides and Attempts during Long‐term Lithium Treatment: A Meta‐analytic Review (A CLASSIC) Jul. 2013 Relief of Expressed Suicidal Intent by ECT: A Consortium for Research in ECT Study Jun. 2013 Predictors of Prospectively Examined Suicide Attempts Among Youth With Bipolar Disorder May 2013 Clinical and Psychosocial Predictors of Suicide Attempts and Nonsuicidal Self-‐Injury in the Adolescent Depression Antidepressants and Psychotherapy Trial (ADAPT) Apr. 2013 Risk Factors For Medically Serious Suicide Attempts: Evidence For A Psychodynamic Formulation Of Suicidal Crisis Mar. 2013 Preventing Youth Suicide: Time to Ask How Feb. 2013 Effect of acute alcohol use on the lethality of suicide attempts in patients with mood disorders Jan. 2013 Responding to Clinicians After Loss of a Patient to Suicide