The FRC is a service for anyone affected by mental health challenges. The FRC serves as the vibrant hub for the Institute of Living, fostering successful program development, supporting professional and staff advancement, and advocating with community resources and affiliates. We also integrate health and wellness services that incorporate holistic healing practices, in conjunction with more traditional therapeutic interventions.
The FRC provides training and development to staff at the Institute of Living by supporting both clinical and non-clinical training, as well as the coordination of academic educational events. The FRC also provides education, consultation, and/or treatment to families. When a person suffers from mental illness it affects the entire family. The Family Resource Center is dedicated to encouraging, strengthening, and empowering family units.
The FRC is deeply committed to ensuring that individuals who are living with mental illness are given a voice, as well as proper representation, in curating the experience of receiving care. This commitment includes advocating for the integration of Recovery Support Specialists across all levels of care, which the FRC believes is crucial for enhancing the experiences of patients and their families. Peer support groups are among the diverse services offered by the FRC. The center also actively engages individuals with lived experience in shaping its special events and educational initiatives.
What we offer:
If any of the above services apply to you or your organization, please fill out a submission form to let our team know. We would be happy to help!