Suyash Adhikari

Title: Research Assistant I
Lab: COBBRA (Cognition, Brain Imaging, Behavior Research, and Allelic Variation Lab)

Suyash received his B.S in Neuroscience from New York University in 2020. He joined the COBBRA Lab at Olin in October 2020 and primarily works on research involving marijuana. This includes the "Neuroscience of Marijuana Impaired Driving" study, which examines cognitive impairment following acute dosing of marijuana. He also works on additional studies aimed at examining the combined effects of alcohol and marijuana on simulated driving, and the effect of certain constituents of marijuana on acute and chronic pain. He hopes to pursue a career in neuroscience research and is planning to go back to school for his PhD. Outside of research, Suyash loves playing soccer and reading fantasy novels.